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  • Narratives of the Civil Rights Movement

    Narratives of the Civil Rights Movement

    Ohio State University history professor Hasan Kwame Jeffries discusses historical narratives of the Civil Rights Movemen…

  • <em>Reagan, the Movie</em>

    Reagan, the Movie

    Actor Dennis Quaid headlines a cast discussion about the movie “Reagan,” which tells the 40th president’s story through …

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  • <em>The Wager</em>

    The Wager

    Bestselling author David Grann talked about a mutiny aboard the British naval ship The Wager off the coast of South Amer…

  • <em>The 272</em>

    The 272

    Author Rachel Swarns talked about the 272 enslaved people who were sold by Jesuit priests in 1838 to benefit what is now…

  • <em>To Run the World</em>

    To Run the World

    Sergey Radchenko - of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies - talked about the Cold War strategies …

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