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    U.S. Mail Delivery

    Members of the subcommittee questioned Mr. Runyon on complaints of slow mail delivery during a special he…

      Capitol House Post Office and Civil Service | Postal Operations and Services Committee   House Committee  House Committee111 views
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    Draft Colin Powell Exploratory Event

    Businessman Ron Evans, coordinator of a Draft Powell organization in Philadelphia, discussed the probabil…

      Draft Colin Powell Committee71 views
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    Inside Congress

    This episode of "Inside Congress" included renovations of the marble steps of the Capitol building, Congress preparing for opening day on January 4th, changes in the Capitol Hill workforce including departing staffers, outgoing Speaker of the House Tom Foley (D-WA), incoming House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA), legislation passed during the past year, incoming committee chairs for both houses, and a tour of the House chamber.

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    Congressional Term Limits

    U.S. Term Limits announced a coalition effort with several other citizens groups proposing term limits fo…

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    104th Congress Opening Day

    Richard Sammon, Congressional Quarterly, discussed the first legislative items on the agenda for the 104th Congress which will convene on January 4th including committee changes and applying laws to Congress.

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    Civil Procedure Revisions

    Committee members heard testimony from judges, litigants and court specialists concerning court secrecy that is used to conceal important health and safety information from the public,

      Senate Judiciary Committee Senate Judiciary | Courts and Administrative Practice Committee   Senate Committee  Senate Committee195 views
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    Immigration Backlash

    This was a portion of the Unity '94 conference of minority journalists. This session involving hispanic j…

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    Trial of Hamlet

    In a mock trial, the title character of Shakespeare’s Hamlet was tried for the murder of the king’s atten…

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    Lincoln-Douglas Debate Series Review

    C-SPAN showed clips of the seven debate re-enactments and some comments by the many people involved in te…

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    Hunger in America

    The Small Business subcommittee heard testimony to the problem of hunger in the U.S. Representatives of c…

      . & Technology Committee   House Committee  House Committee236 views
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    News Review

    Journalists talked about the current news topics, including ethics questions about Representative Newt Gingrich's (R-Georgia) book deal, committee assignments and the new Congress.

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    Medicare Claims Denial Rate Disparities

    House Small Business Subcommittee held a hearing on Medical Claims Denial Rates. The Subcommittee members…

      . & Technology Committee   House Committee  House Committee241 views
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    House Banking Committee Agenda

    The Incoming House Banking Committee Chairman Jim Leach (R-Iowa) herld a press briefing where he outlined the committee's agenda in the 104th Congress and hearings on Whitewater.

      House Banking Committee46 views
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    Gang Violence

    The Senate Juvenile Justice Subcommittee heard testimony from police officers, professors, and FBI agents…

      Senate Judiciary Committee Senate Judiciary | Juvenile Justice Committee   Senate Committee  Senate Committee492 views
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    104th Congress Agenda

    Frost, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair, talked about recruiting as part of his plan to get more democrats elected to Congress. ... Paxson, the National Republican Congressional Committee Chair, spoke about capitalizing on reapportionment in 1994 and building on that strategy in 1996.

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    Agriculture Issues

    Incoming Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman, Richard Lugar R-IN spoke on the farm policy with reporters.

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    Drug Trafficking

    The panelists shared their views about the problems of heroin trafficking from the point of view of local…

      House Judiciary | Crime and Criminal Justice Committee   House Committee  House Committee121 views
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    Drug Trafficking

    The panelists testified before the House Judiciary subcommittee on heroin trafficking in the U.S.

      House Judiciary | Crime and Criminal Justice Committee   House Committee  House Committee82 views
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    Drug Trafficking

    During this hearing held by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Lee Brown, of the Office of Nation…

      House Judiciary | Crime and Criminal Justice Committee   House Committee  House Committee101 views
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    Public Policy and the Press

    George Washington University and the National Press Club held a panel discussion about public policy and …

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