Upcoming Programs

  • H.R. McMaster, "At War with Ourselves"

    H.R. McMaster, "At War with Ourselves"

    Former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster talks about his time in the Trump Administration and lays out a blueprint for a potential second Donald Trump term.

  • Dana Bash, "America's Deadliest Election"

    Dana Bash, "America's Deadliest Election"

    CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash looks at Louisiana’s Reconstruction-Era gubernatorial election of 1872, and the political and racial violence that occurred that year.

Featured Programs

  • After Words with Joel Pollak

    After Words with Joel Pollak

    Breitbart News' Joel Pollak discussed what he thinks a potential second presidential term for Donald Trump should focus on in its first 100 days. He was interviewed by Reason Magazine editor at large Matt Welch.

  • <em>The Black Tax</em>

    The Black Tax

    History professor Andrew Kahrl argued that America has used unfair tax laws to disadvantage Black people from Reconstruction to the current day. The Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore hosted this event.

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BookTV Videos

  • <em>Trump in Exile</em>

    Trump in Exile

    Politico’s Meridith McGraw chronicled Donald Trump’s post presidency to his return as the Republican nominee for president. Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.

  • <em>The Black Tax</em>

    The Black Tax

    History professor Andrew Kahrl argued that America has used unfair tax laws to disadvantage Black people from Reconstruction to the current day. The Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore hosted this event.

  • <em>Over Ruled</em>

    Over Ruled

    Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch questioned in his book whether Americans are overburdened by laws regulating too many aspects of our lives - to the point that they infringe upon our freedoms. He spoke at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and …

  • <em>The Situation Room</em>

    The Situation Room

    George Stephanopoulos spoke about the White House Situation Room and described key crisis moments in the room during previous administrations. This event was hosted by the Free Library of Philadelphia.

  • <em>Put Y'all Back in Chains</em>

    Put Y'all Back in Chains

    Project 21 chairman Horace Cooper took a critical look at President Biden’s domestic policies and argued that they harm Black Americans. This interview was conducted at FreedomFest, an annual libertarian conference held in 2024 in Las Vegas.

  • <em>Passport Stamps - Searching the World for a War to Call Home</em>

    Passport Stamps - Searching the World for a War to Call Home

    Former NPR war correspondent Sean Carberry discussed reporting from hostile environments and the physical and emotional toll it can take. This event was hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School D.C. Alumni Council.

  • <em>The Truths We Hold</em>

    The Truths We Hold

    Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) talked about her book, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, in which she recalled her upbringing and how it informs her governing style.

  • <em>Back Roads and Better Angels</em>

    Back Roads and Better Angels

    Bloomberg ppinion columnist Francis Barry talked about his travels along the Lincoln Highway and the people he met along the way. The highway stretches from Times Square in New York City to Lincoln Park in San Francisco. This event was hosted by the American E…

  • <em>The Parent Revolution</em>

    The Parent Revolution

    American Federation for Children’s Corey DeAngelis argued that parents need to get more involved in their children’s education and regain control from the teachers' unions over the curriculum in public schools. This event was hosted by the Heritage Foundation …

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