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    Bell Ringer

    Importance and Evolution of Presidential Debates

    Political communication scholar and dean of the Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences at the University of…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    12 minutes
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    On This Day

    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Begin

    "During the late 1960s, the United States learned that the Soviet Union had embarked upon a massive Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) buildup designed to reach parity with the United States" (U.S. ... Ultimately, SALT talks were agreed on by the two superpowers in the summer of 1968, and full-scale negotiations began during the Presidency of Richard Nixon on November 17th, 1969. This resource explores the context of arms control efforts before the Nixon presidency, describes the Nixon administration's views and efforts relative to the SALT talks and subsequent SALT I agreement, and provides reflections for later arms control agreements.

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    31 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    The 1960 Presidential Election

    Students then watch, analyze, and respond to an introductory video that summarizes the 1960 Presidential Election using archival footage. Next, students explore two campaign ads, for both Richard Nixon and John F.

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    1 hour, 7 minutes
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    Archival Footage from the 1960 Election

    Information Agency by Hearst Movietone News documents the 1960 presidential election from the nominating conventions through the concession and victory speeches by Richard Nixon and JFK.

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    6 minutes
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    On This Day

    First Kennedy-Nixon Debate

    On September 26, 1960, then-Senator John F. Kennedy and then-Vice President Richard Nixon faced off in the first televised presidential debate. ... Nixon, who refused to wear makeup and was recently out of the hospital following a knee injury, appeared pale and sweaty by comparison. Some say that this debate and the three other ones that followed it helped Kennedy win the 1960 election.

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    14 minutes
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    Bell Ringer

    Civil Rights and Political Party Realignment

    He discussed the presidential elections of 1960, 1964 and 1968.

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    2 minutes
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    Bell Ringer

    Richard Nixon 1960 vs 1968

    Comparing both the campaign style of Richard Nixon and the style of TV production from the 1960 to 1968 campaign.

    User Created Content By kjohnson37
    5 minutes
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    1960 Richard Nixon Presidential Campaign Ad

    A 1960 Richard Nixon Presidential campaign ad is shown.

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    58 seconds
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    1960 Kennedy - Nixon Debate

    Nixon participated in the first-ever televised presidential candidates' debate.

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom