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    Lesson Plan

    Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Paul Schoeppe (1869)

    This lesson provides an overview of the 1869 state-level case Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Paul Schoep…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    41 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Decline in Two-Parent Married Households

    This lesson, which features economist Melissa Kearney in conversation with the American Enterprise Instit…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    51 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Smallpox, Inoculation, and the American Revolution

    This lesson provides an overview of George Washington's decision to mandate smallpox inoculation for the …

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    1 hour, 1 minute
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    Lesson Plan

    Dinner with the President

    This lesson focuses on the relationship between food, culture, and politics in the American Presidency. T…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    55 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Lincoln and the Evolution of the American Funeral

    This lesson focuses on the funeral of Abraham Lincoln and its impact on American funeral practices. The l…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    50 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    World War I Plastic Surgery

    This lesson plan about the history of plastic surgery and the work of Harold Gillies opens with a reflect…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    48 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Chatter - Our Inner Voice

    In this lesson, students will view videos of Ethan Kross, psychologist and author of the book "Chatter." …

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    28 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    The Making of American Fitness Culture

    This lesson plan opens with an individual student reflection regarding their personal experiences with fi…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    38 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Purdue Pharma, OxyContin, and the Sackler Family

    This lesson plan explores the opioid crisis through the lens of Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family. Inc…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    22 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Vaccine mandates: Policy, history, law, and science

    This lesson plan directs students to explore the recent debate regarding mandatory COVID vaccinations. Th…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    25 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Abortion Debate in Today’s United States

    This lesson plan explores some of the historical, legal, and social arguments surrounding recent legal ac…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    31 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Lessons Learned from the Development of the Polio Vaccine

    The polio vaccine was first developed in 1953 by Jonas Salk. By 1979, the United States had eradicated po…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    22 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Lessons Learned from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

    In 1918, a strain of influenza spread throughout the globe causing 50 million deaths worldwide. Sometimes…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    22 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society Initiatives

    In his 1965 State of the Union address, President Johnson called on Americans to continue on the “road to…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    56 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    Historical Medical Treatments and Cures

    Dr. Lydia Kang talks about various medical treatments and cures that were used throughout history. She ex…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    20 minutes
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    Lesson Plan

    The Coal Industry

    In the U.S., coal is the greatest domestically produced energy source. This coal generates a large amount…

    User-Created Content By C-SPAN Classroom
    29 minutes