The House Is Not In Session - Next Session Monday, September 23 At 12:00 PM
House Session - June 24, 2011

The House considered two measures regarding U.S. military action in Libya. One measure to limit the use of American troops failed 123-295. A second bill that would block all funds for U.S. military operations in Libya until the president seeks authorization from Congress failed by a 183-238 margin.

9:00AM - 3:17PM ETHouse Session


    Briefings for June 24, 2011

    • No Briefings Covered
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    Hearings for June 24, 2011

    • Hearings Covered By C-SPAN
    • 9:03AM ETEconomic Sanctions on Venezuela, Part 1
    • 9:34AM ETMutual Funds Oversight
    View All House Hearings
    118th Congress - House
    Total Hours: 1170 (After 626 days)
    • Debate423 Hours
    • Special Orders186 Hours
    • Votes223 Hours
    • One Minute Speeches82 Hours
    • Morning Hour93 Hours
    • Opening Procedures8 Hours

    Click a category within the legend to toggle its visibility.

    Source: Resume of Congressional Activity (