The House Is Not In Session - Next Session Tuesday, October 1 At 11:00 AM
House Session - July 11, 2024

The House failed (205-213) to pass the legislative branch spending bill allocating $5.5 billion in discretionary funding in fiscal year 2025. In addition, members voted against (204-210) an “inherent contempt” resolution against Attorney General Merrick Garland for refusing to turn over audiotapes of President Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur as part of the Department of Justice’s classified documents investigation. Finally, the House approved a resolution that would repeal a rule prohibiting sex discrimination in federally-funded education programs, and also failed to pass an override measure of President Biden’s veto of a resolution repealing a Securities and Exchange Commission crytocurrency rule.

8:59AM - 1:35PM ETHouse Session


    Briefings for July 11, 2024

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    Hearings for July 11, 2024

    • No Hearings Covered
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    118th Congress - House
    Total Hours: 1197 (After 633 days)
    • Debate427 Hours
    • Special Orders194 Hours
    • Votes227 Hours
    • One Minute Speeches84 Hours
    • Morning Hour95 Hours
    • Opening Procedures8 Hours

    Click a category within the legend to toggle its visibility.

    Source: Resume of Congressional Activity (