The Senate Is Not In Session - Next Session Monday, September 9 At 3:00 PM
Senate Session - September 25, 2019

The Senate passed a joint disapproval resolution to terminate President Trump's national emergency declaration for the U.S. southern border. In March 2019, members first voted 59-41 in favor of a similar resolution, but it was vetoed by President Trump, and the House failed to override it. Members also voted on several motions to instruct Senate negotiators when they meet with the House on the defense programs and policy bill, and they invoked cloture on the nominations of Air Force General John Hyten for vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Eugene Scalia to be the next secretary of the Department of Labor.

9:59AM - 2:48PM ETSenate Session, Part 1 3:30PM - 7:24PM ETSenate Session, Part 2


    Briefings for September 25, 2019

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    Hearings for September 25, 2019

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    118th Congress - Senate
    Total Hours: 1410 (After 613 days)
    • Debate314 Hours
    • Quorum Calls271 Hours
    • Votes522 Hours

    Click a category within the legend to toggle its visibility.

    Source: Resume of Congressional Activity (