Senate Session - July 25, 2022

The Senate worked on a bill providing grants to the U.S. computer chip industry. A vote on the measure was postponed after severe weather prevented some senators from being present. The legislation is a response to an industry-wide shortage that had disrupted the manufacturing of automobiles and electronics. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) also set up a procedural vote for later in the week on a measure expanding health benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. This bill was passed by the Senate the previous month, but it received some technical changes in the House of Representatives, thus requiring the Senate to vote again.

3:00PM - 6:47PM ETSenate Session


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    Hearings for July 25, 2022

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    118th Congress - Senate
    Total Hours: 1431 (After 617 days)
    • Debate320 Hours
    • Quorum Calls271 Hours
    • Votes522 Hours

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    Source: Resume of Congressional Activity (