The House Is Not In Session - Next Session Tuesday, October 1 At 11:00 AM
House Session - April 13, 2018

The House passed a bill that gives the Federal Reserve authority over writing certain banking regulations and limiting the roles of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

9:00AM - 1:28PM ETHouse Session


    Briefings for April 13, 2018

    • No Briefings Covered
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    Hearings for April 13, 2018

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    118th Congress - House
    Total Hours: 1197 (After 634 days)
    • Debate427 Hours
    • Special Orders194 Hours
    • Votes227 Hours
    • One Minute Speeches84 Hours
    • Morning Hour95 Hours
    • Opening Procedures8 Hours

    Click a category within the legend to toggle its visibility.

    Source: Resume of Congressional Activity (