37 Richard M. Nixon

Life Facts

Richard M. Nixon

1969 – 1974

Life Facts

Richard Nixon was a California lawyer who served in the Navy during World War II before winning a U.S. House seat in 1946. By 1950, he was in the U.S. Senate where he became nationally known for his anti-communism during the Cold War. Serving as Eisenhower’s vice president for two terms, he was the Republican presidential candidate in 1960, narrowly losing to Democrat John Kennedy. Nixon sat out the 1964 contest; four years later, he was victorious.

As president, Nixon worked to bring an end to the Vietnam War. Pat Nixon became the first first lady to travel into a combat zone when she visited U.S. troops there. The Nixons also made a historic trip to China to restore diplomatic relations with the communist regime. It was during his first term when in 1969, American astronauts made the historic first moon landing. Nixon decisively won re-election in 1972. Soon, however, illegal activities were connected to his campaign—the so-called Watergate scandal. Tapes from the president’s own White House recording system confirmed he had been aware of the crimes and tried to hinder congressional investigation. In July 1974, after nationally televised hearings, the House Judiciary Committee issued three articles of impeachment against the president. Rather than face impeachment, Nixon resigned.

Nixon was granted a full pardon by successor Gerald Ford. He retired to California and then New Jersey and wrote several bestselling books on foreign policy and advised subsequent administrations. He died in 1994.

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