C-SPAN TV Schedule

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June 7, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 06/07/2020

  • New York City Mayor De Blasio News Conference

  • New York Gov. Cuomo News Conference

  • Sen. Tim Scott Discusses Economic Impact of COVID-19

  • President Trump Tours Puritan Medical Products

  • Former Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein Testifies on the FBI's Russia Investigation

  • Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Hearing on Racial Health Disparities

  • President Trump Speaks at Puritan Medical Products in Maine

  • Campaign 2020: Black Voices for Trump Holds Virtual Campaign Event

  • George Floyd Memorial Service in Minneapolis

  • Q&A: Peggy Wallace Kennedy, "The Broken Road"

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 06/03/2020

  • New York City Mayor De Blasio News Conference

  • New York Gov. Cuomo News Conference

  • Q&A: Peggy Wallace Kennedy, "The Broken Road"

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 06/03/2020

  • New York City Mayor De Blasio News Conference

  • New York Gov. Cuomo News Conference

  • Hearing on COVID-19 Impact on Transportation & Critical Infrastructure

  • Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting on Subpoenas Related to the FBI's Russia Investigation

  • Q&A: Peggy Wallace Kennedy, "The Broken Road"