C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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May 16, 2020

  • The Communicators: Scott Kupor

  • Michael Arceneaux, "I Don't Want to Die Poor"

  • Rana el Kaliouby, "Girl Decoded"

  • Jon Mooallem, "This is Chance!"

  • Vivek Murthy, "Together"

  • Neal Bascomb, "Faster"

  • Books About the U.S. Economy

  • Authors on Voting from Home

  • H.R. McMaster on U.S. National Security and COVID-19

  • 2020 J. Anthony Lukas Prize

  • Eric Nusbaum, "Stealing Home"

  • Ben Bernanke, "First Responders"

  • Lawrence Wright, "The End of October"

  • Source Booksellers on the Impact of Covid-19

  • Erik Larson, "The Splendid and the Vile"

  • Arundhati Roy, "My Seditious Heart"

  • After Words: After Words, Joe Ricketts, "The Harder You Work, the Luckier You Get"

  • Books by P.J. O'Rourke

  • Alina Das, "No Justice in the Shadows"

  • Bettye Kearse, "The Other Madisons"

  • Larry Diamond, "Ill Winds"

  • Sopan Deb, "Missed Translations"

  • Condoleezza Rice, COVID-19 and National Security

  • R. Eric Thomas, "Here for It"

  • Books About Race in America