C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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December 8, 2020

  • Treasury Secretary Mnuchin & Federal Reserve Chair Powell Testify on COVID-19 Response

  • CDC Director Dr. Redfield on the Surge in COVID-19 Numbers

  • Campaign 2020: Discussion on Election Lessons Learned

  • U.S. Senate: 12/08/2020

  • House Democratic Leaders Hold News Conference

  • U.S. Senate: Senate Majority Leader McConnell Tribute to Sen. Mike Enzi

  • U.S. Senate: Senate Majority Whip Thune Tributes to Senators Gardner & McSally

  • U.S. Senate: Senate Minority Leader Schumer Remarks

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Tom Udall D-NM Farewell Speech

  • U.S. Senate: Senators Tribute to Sen. Tom Udall D-NM

  • U.S. Senate: 12/08/2020

  • U.S. Senate: Senate Majority Leader McConnell Tribute to Sen. Mike Enzi

  • Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid Oral Argument

  • House Hearing on Abortion Affordability

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Tom Udall D-NM Farewell Speech

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Cory Gardner R-CO Farewell Speech

  • Aspen Institute Discussion on Vaccine Development & Distriibution

  • Washington Journal: Tom Colicchio

  • Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid Oral Argument

  • House Hearing on Abortion Affordability

  • Former CIA Director John Brennan on National Security Threats