C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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November 2, 2023

  • U.S. Senate: Republican Senators on Military Promotions

  • State and Local Officials Testify on Threats to Election Administration

  • U.S. Senate: Republican Senators on Military Promotions

  • U.S. Senate: 11/02/2023

  • Hearing on Veterans Affairs Medical Research & Development

  • Treasury Secretary on Economic Strategy Toward Indo-Pacific

  • Journalists Discuss War Reporting at Military Reporters Conference

  • State Dept. Assistant Secretary Testifies on Black Sea Security

  • Social Security Commissioner Nominee Testifies at Confirmation Hearing

  • Treasury Secretary on Economic Strategy Toward Indo-Pacific

  • Secretary of State on Israel-Hamas War

  • Speaker Johnson & House GOP Leaders on Legislative Agenda

  • House Democratic Leaders on Legislative Agenda

  • Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 1

  • Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 2

  • Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 3

  • Pres. Biden Meets with Dominican Republic President

  • Pres. Biden Meets with Chilean President

  • Social Security Commissioner Nominee Testifies at Confirmation Hearing

  • Hearing on Impact of Climate Change on Severe Weather

  • Justice Dept. Official & FTC Chair on Competition Policy