C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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May 12, 2020

  • Oral Histories: Benjamin Schleider Interview on 6th Armored Division in World War II Europe

  • Oral Histories: Hershel "Woody" Williams

  • Reel America: "Decade of NATO" - 1959

  • White House Coronavirus Task Force Members Testify on Coronavirus Response and Reopening Phases

  • Senate H.E.L.P Dr. Fauci and WH Task Force Members On Coronavirus Response

  • White House Press Secretary Holds Coronavirus Briefing

  • Open Phones

  • House Speaker Pelosi on Coronavirus Relief Bill

  • Senate H.E.L.P Dr. Fauci and WH Task Force Members On Coronavirus Response

  • Leslie Sarasin

  • Heritage Foundation Conversation on the Impact of Government Programs

  • Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

  • American Artifacts: Pocahontas & American Indian Imagery

  • American Artifacts: National Museum of the American Indian "Trail of Tears" Exhibit

  • American Artifacts: Battle of Little Bighorn

  • National Native American Veterans Memorial Design

  • Reel America: "Winter Count" - 1975

  • Lectures in History: Colonial Diplomacy & the Iroquois Confederacy

  • Reel America: "Hopi Indian Arts & Crafts" - 1945

  • Lectures in History: California Native Americans and Early 1800s Capitalism

  • Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

  • American Artifacts: Pocahontas & American Indian Imagery

  • American Artifacts: National Museum of the American Indian "Trail of Tears" Exhibit

  • American Artifacts: Battle of Little Bighorn

  • National Native American Veterans Memorial Design

  • Reel America: "Winter Count" - 1975

  • Lectures in History: Colonial Diplomacy & the Iroquois Confederacy

  • Reel America: "Hopi Indian Arts & Crafts" - 1945

  • Lectures in History: California Native Americans and Early 1800s Capitalism