C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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November 11, 2020

  • Hiroshima, Nagasaki and End of World War II

  • End of World War II 75th Anniversary

  • Rick Atkinson on V-E Day 75th Anniversary

  • Hiroshima, Nagasaki and End of World War II

  • End of World War II 75th Anniversary

  • Rick Atkinson on V-E Day 75th Anniversary

  • Hiroshima, Nagasaki and End of World War II

  • End of World War II 75th Anniversary

  • Rick Atkinson on V-E Day 75th Anniversary

  • End of World War II 75th Anniversary

  • American Artifacts: Congress Hall

  • The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

  • Reel America: "African Americans in World War II - A Legacy of Patriotism and Valor" - 1997

  • National World War I Memorial

  • Reel America: "The Army Nurse" - 1945

  • African American Women Army Corps Battalion

  • The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

  • Reel America: "African Americans in World War II - A Legacy of Patriotism and Valor" - 1997

  • National World War I Memorial

  • Reel America: "The Army Nurse" - 1945

  • African American Women Army Corps Battalion

  • The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

  • Reel America: "African Americans in World War II - A Legacy of Patriotism and Valor" - 1997

  • National World War I Memorial