C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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November 17, 2020

  • Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Decision

  • Al Gore Concession Speech

  • Gov. George W. Bush Victory Speech

  • Ross Perot Concession Speech

  • George H.W. Bush Concession Speech

  • Bill Clinton Victory Speech

  • Bob Dole Concession Speech

  • Bill Clinton Victory Speech

  • John Kerry Concession Speech

  • George W. Bush Victory Speech

  • Reel America: News Magazine of the Screen "Summer Review 1955"

  • Facebook & Twitter CEOs Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee

  • Senate Hearing on Manufacturing Industry Response to Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Sen. Blumenthal on GA Election & Social Media

  • Senators Feinstein & Lee on 2020 Election and Social Media

  • Senators Cruz and Durbin on 2020 Election and Social Media

  • Sen Ernst on Social Media Company's Employee

  • Heritage Discussion on U.S. Military Strength

  • Miller Center Discussion on Presidential Transitions

  • Former Senator Sam Nunn D-Georgia - the Cold War at 75

  • Lectures in History: Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger & U.S. Foreign Policy

  • Henry Kissinger & American Power, A Political Biography

  • Soviet Spy Klaus Fuchs

  • Diaries of Cold War Strategist George Kennan

  • Former Senator Sam Nunn D-Georgia - the Cold War at 75

  • Lectures in History: Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger & U.S. Foreign Policy

  • Henry Kissinger & American Power, A Political Biography

  • Soviet Spy Klaus Fuchs

  • Diaries of Cold War Strategist George Kennan

  • Former Senator Sam Nunn D-Georgia - the Cold War at 75