C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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December 12, 2020

  • Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Decision

  • Bush v. Gore 20 Years Later

  • Reel America: "Babies and Breadwinners - A Documentation of the 1961 Polio Vaccination Campaign"

  • American Artifacts: Tenement Museum

  • World War I & the Environment

  • Herbert Hoover Presidential Library

  • Presidential Leadership During the Cold War

  • James Madison & George Mason Constitutional Debate

  • Black Military Workers & Scientific Racism

  • History Bookshelf: Deanne Stillman, "Blood Brothers"

  • History Bookshelf: 1876 Disputed Presidential Election

  • The Civil War: Union General George Meade

  • Forgotten Women in Early Radio

  • Reel America: " Miracle in Tonga" - 1965

  • Lectures in History: Social Reformer Lucretia Mott

  • Political Humor in Contentious Times

  • Reel America: "The Constitution - Whose Interpretation?" - 1959

  • Reel America: "The Constitution and Censorship" - 1957

  • Reel America: "The Judicial Power" - 1960

  • Reel America: "Amistad - The Federal Courts & the Challenge to Slavery" - 2002

  • Catherine Clinton, "Confederate Statues and Memorialization"

  • Lectures in History: Social Reformer Lucretia Mott

  • Political Humor in Contentious Times

  • History Bookshelf: Deanne Stillman, "Blood Brothers"

  • History Bookshelf: 1876 Disputed Presidential Election

  • The Civil War: Union General George Meade

  • Forgotten Women in Early Radio

  • Reel America: August 1945 Universal Newsreel

  • Lectures in History: Social Reformer Lucretia Mott

  • Black Military Workers & Scientific Racism