C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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November 1, 2023

  • Reel America: "Turning of the Tide" - 1951

  • The Civil War: Siege of Charleston 1863

  • Lectures in History: Obama's 2004 DNC Keynote Address

  • Cable TV, Hollywood & Presidential Politics

  • Reel America: "Valley of the Tennessee" - 1944

  • The Civil War: Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg in Tennessee

  • Remembering a Complicated Past

  • World War II Revisionism

  • Faith and the American Soldier During World War II

  • Lectures in History: Obama's 2004 DNC Keynote Address

  • State and Local Officials Testify on Threats to Election Administration

  • Cable TV, Hollywood & Presidential Politics

  • Reel America: "Valley of the Tennessee" - 1944

  • The Civil War: Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg in Tennessee

  • Remembering a Complicated Past

  • World War II Revisionism

  • Faith and the American Soldier During World War II

  • Lectures in History: Obama's 2004 DNC Keynote Address

  • Cable TV, Hollywood & Presidential Politics

  • The Civil War: Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg in Tennessee

  • Remembering a Complicated Past

  • World War II Revisionism

  • Faith and the American Soldier During World War II

  • Lectures in History: Obama's 2004 DNC Keynote Address

  • Cable TV, Hollywood & Presidential Politics

  • The Civil War: Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg in Tennessee

  • Remembering a Complicated Past