C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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May 14, 2024

  • Journalists Discuss Press Freedom & Safety Abroad

  • Federal Officials Discuss Cyberspace & Digital Policy Strategy

  • State Dept. Official on RussianĀ PlansĀ for Nuclear Weapon in Space

  • Acting Labor Secretary & Others Speak at Infrastructure Conference

  • Former Biden Admin. Official Speaks at Infrastructure Conference

  • U.S. Reps. & Others Speak at Infrastructure Conference

  • Campaign 2024: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Holds Campaign Rally in Austin, TX

  • Washington Journal: Neil Chilson

  • U.S. Senate: 05/14/2024

  • VP Harris at Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Summit

  • Washington Journal: Neil Chilson

  • Acting Labor Secretary & Others Speak at Infrastructure Conference

  • Former Biden Admin. Official Speaks at Infrastructure Conference

  • U.S. Reps. & Others Speak at Infrastructure Conference

  • Discussion on Human Nature & Civic Education

  • U.S. Senate: Minority Leader McConnell on Aid to Israel

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Cornyn on Aid to Israel

  • U.S. Senate: Majority Whip Durbin on Aid to Israel

  • Acting Labor Secretary & Others Speak at Infrastructure Conference

  • Former Biden Admin. Official Speaks at Infrastructure Conference

  • U.S. Reps. & Others Speak at Infrastructure Conference

  • Discussion on Human Nature & Civic Education