C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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June 11, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 06/11/2020Live

  • Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting on Subpoenas Related to the FBI's Russia Investigation

  • Attorney General Barr, Secretary of State Pompeo & Others on International Criminal Court

  • Speaker Pelosi Weekly Legislative Agenda News Conference

  • House Hearing on Voting Rights & COVID-19

  • Gen. Mark Milley's Keynote Address to National Defense University Class of 2020

  • Discussion with Mayors on Coronavirus & Civil Unrest

  • House Minority Leader McCarthy Weekly Legislative Agenda News Conference

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Murray on Policing Reform

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Holds Briefing on Protests & COVID-19

  • Washington Today

  • Washington Today

  • Washington Journal: Alex Vitale

  • Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting on Subpoenas Related to the FBI's Russia Investigation

  • Attorney General Barr, Secretary of State Pompeo & Others on International Criminal Court

  • Speaker Pelosi Weekly Legislative Agenda News Conference

  • Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting on Subpoenas Related to the FBI's Russia Investigation

  • House Hearing on Voting Rights & COVID-19

  • Gen. Mark Milley's Keynote Address to National Defense University Class of 2020

  • Discussion with Mayors on Coronavirus & Civil Unrest

  • Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Holds Briefing on Protests & COVID-19

  • Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus Briefing