C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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June 13, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 06/13/2020Live

  • Oregon Gov. Brown Holds Coronavirus Briefing

  • Washington Journal: Zach Montellaro

  • President Trump Delivers West Point Commencement Address

  • House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Police Reform, Part 1

  • House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Police Reform, Part 2

  • President Trump Delivers West Point Commencement Address

  • Radio Special: Pentagon Papers anniversary

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Holds Roundtable on Reopening the Economy in Philadelphia

  • President Trump Holds Roundtable Discussion in Dallas

  • Commencement Speeches: Commencement Addresses by Random House Authors

  • Richard Haass, "The World"

  • Eric Foner, "The Second Founding"

  • RADIO 'VIRTUAL Scoop Jackson, "The Game is Not a Game"

  • Books About Race in America

  • Washington Journal: Heather MacDonald

  • Source Booksellers on the Impact of Covid-19

  • Colin Calloway, "The Indian World of George Washington"