C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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April 27, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 04/27/2024Live

  • Washington Journal: Washington Journal

  • Supreme Court Considers Oregon City's Anti-Homeless Public Camping Laws

  • Health & Human Services Secretary on Health Care Sector & Climate Change

  • Supreme Court Hears Case on Fmr. Pres. Trump's Immunity Claim

  • Washington Journal: Daniel Weiner

  • Congress Investigates: Watergate

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Joseph Epstein, "Never Say You've Had a Luck Life"

  • Lectures in History: Reagan's 1982 Address to Parliament

  • AHTV - President Reagan's First Press Conference

  • Mark Calhoon "General Lesley J. McNair - Unsung Architect of the U.S. Army"

  • Legacy of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe

  • Congress Investigates: Watergate

  • Lectures in History: Reagan's 1982 Address to Parliament

  • AHTV - President Reagan's First Press Conference

  • Legacy of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe

  • Mark Calhoon "General Lesley J. McNair - Unsung Architect of the U.S. Army"

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Joseph Epstein, "Never Say You've Had a Luck Life"

  • Congress Investigates: Watergate