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Pierce, Franklin

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    First Ladies Jane Pierce and Harriet Lane

    Ann Covell and Feather Schwartz Foster talked about the life and influence of first ladies Jane Pierce and Harriet Lane. ... Pierce was plunged by the death of her only remaining son on the way to the inauguration which she had never wanted and the great popularity and influence of Harriet Lane, the niece of President James Buchanan, the only bachelor American president. Video was shown from the Aiken House in Andover, Mass.; the New Hampshire Historical Society, the Pierce Manse, and the grave site in Concord, N.H.; and President James Buchanan's Wheatland near Lancaster, Pa.

    •   Pierce
    •   Franklin American History TV History & Society
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    Franklin Pierce Manse

    Joan Woodhead gave a tour of President Franklin Pierce's home and talked about the tragedies that marked his life. Franklin Pierce* was the 14th president of the United States and the only president from New Hampshire.

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    •   Franklin State Politics
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    Death in the White House

    Panelists talked about Presidents Franklin Pierce, Calvin Coolidge, Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy, who all lost sons during their time in office.

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    •   Franklin American History TV
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    Franklin Pierce Biographical Vignette

    A short summary of Fourteenth President Franklin Pierce's accomplishments and life history was aired.

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    •   Franklin American History TV
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    Franklin Pierce: New Hampshire's Favorite Son

    Author Peter Wallner talked about his book Franklin Pierce: New Hampshire's Favorite Son, published by Plaidswede Publishing during Pierce's bicentennial year. ... Wallner said that Pierce may be the least-known, least-studied president (1853-1857). ... He mentioned some of Pierce's close friends such as Stephen A. Douglas, Daniel Webster, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Jefferson Davis (who was a member of Pierce's cabinet).

    •   Franklin Pierce: New Hampshire's Favorite Son
    •   Pierce
    •   Franklin State Politics
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    Presidential History Tour: Franklin Pierce

    Presidential historian Richard Norton Smith conducted a tour of the gravesite of President Franklin Pierce.

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    Franklin Pierce Administration

    Medford talked about the Whig Party's refusal to nominate President Pierce for a second term and the problems of sectionalism in that era.

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    Political Career of Franklin Pierce

    Senate, talked about the political career of President Pierce. He outlined President Pierce's election to the House and Senate, as well as his personal life in Washington DC.

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    Life Portrait of Franklin Pierce

    In the fourteenth in a series on American presidents, the life and career of Franklin Pierce were discussed. ... Paris talked about Pierce's life and the political issues of his presidency, while Ms.

      C-SPAN | American Presidents Pierce (Franklin) Manse
    •   Pierce
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    Childhood of Franklin Pierce

    Marvin talked about the house in which President Pierce was born, his family, and his boyhood in New Hampshire.

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    President Franklin Pierce

    American Presidents segment on Franklin Pierce.

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    President Pierce Homestead

    Mr. talked about the home where President Pierce was raised. It was built in 1804 by Benjamin Pierce, his father, who also served as governor of New Hampshire.

    •   Pierce
    •   Franklin History & Society
  • Life Portrait of Franklin Pierce

      C-SPAN | American Presidents Pierce (Franklin) Manse
    •   Pierce
    •   Franklin