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Don Bacon Chrissy Houlahan


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    House Session

    The House considered more than 30 bills under suspension of the rules, including legislation that would reauthorize $25 billion for NASA in the coming year, and a measure requiring online da…

    View in Congressional Chronicle455 views
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    House Session, Part 2

    The House approved (216-207) a contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Merrick Garland. All Democrats voted against the measure, and Representative David Joyce (R-OH) was th…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,473 views
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    House Session, Part 1

    The House debated three bills. One condemns the Biden administration’s decision to pause a weapons transfers to Israel. Another would expand police concealed gun carry authority. The third c…

    View in Congressional Chronicle393 views
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    Morning Hour

    The House met for Morning Hour, with members permitted to speak on any topic.

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    Reps. Don Bacon and Chrissy Houlahan on Ukraine and National Security

    Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) spoke about Republican Party infighting over funding for Ukraine, saying some members are “anti-Biden” and programmed to oppose the administration. Rep. Bacon and Rep. …

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    House Session, Part 2

    The House continued work on the fiscal year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,302 views
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    House Session

    The House approved a resolution condemning the Chinese Communist Party’s use of a high-altitude surveillance balloon that flew over the U.S. Lawmakers also passed two measures to repeal Wash…

    View in Congressional Chronicle5,328 views
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    House Session

    The House passed a bill that grants medical benefits to federal firefighters, and members also passed a suspension bill providing benefits to individuals exposed to radiation when they took …

    View in Congressional Chronicle682 views
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    Congressional Management Foundation Awards Ceremony

    The Congressional Management Foundation honored eight members of Congress and their staffs for non-legislative achievements and constituent services. The 2021 Democracy Awards winners were R…

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    Defense Department Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request

    Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Mark Milley testified at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the department’s fiscal year 2023 budget request. …

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    Defense and State Officials Testify on U.S. Engagement with Allies

    Top officials from the State and Defense Departments testified about the importance of U.S. partners and allies to secure national defense. During testimony before the House Armed Services C…

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    House Armed Services Committee Hearing on Afghanistan Withdrawal

    For the second consecutive day, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Mark Milley, and U.S. Central Command Commander General Kenneth McKenzie testified on the …

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    House Armed Services Committee Marks Up National Defense Authorization Act

    The House Armed Services Committee met to mark up the fiscal year National Defense Authorization Act.

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    House News Conference on Afghanistan Evacuations

    Representative Van Taylor (R-TX) and a bipartisan group of other House members held a news conference on the evacuation of U.S. citizens and Afghans from Kabul, Afghanistan.

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    Defense Department Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request

    Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Mark Milley testified before the House Armed Services Committee on the department’s fiscal year 2022 budget request. In…

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    House Session

    The House considered five veterans-related bills under suspension of the rules, and voted on another suspension bill debated earlier in the week. Members also debated H.R. 4447, the Clean Ec…

    View in Congressional Chronicle1,677 views
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    House Problem Solvers Caucus Debate on "Virtual Congress"

    The bipartisan House Problem Solvers Caucus held a “virtual Congress,” in which members participated in an unofficial floor debate via video conference. Members debated the next coronavirus …

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    House Session

    In a vote of 224-194, the House passed a war powers resolution seeking to limit the Trump administration’s military action against Iran without first getting congressional approval. All but …

    View in Congressional Chronicle3,874 views
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    2020 National Defense Authorization Act, Part 1

    In this portion of the House Armed Services Committee’s consideration of the defense authorization bill for fiscal year 2020, Committee Chair Adam Smith (D-WA) and Ranking Member Mac Thornbe…

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    2020 National Defense Authorization Act, Part 2

    In this portion of the House Armed Services Committee’s consideration of the defense authorization bill for fiscal year 2020, members debated amendments offered by Representatives Jackie Spe…

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