C-SPAN TV Schedule

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July 30, 2017

  • Washington Journal

  • Newsmakers: Newsmakers - Rep John Yarmuth

  • President Trump in New York on MS13 Gang

  • LGBT Equality Caucus on President's Transgender Military Ban

  • U.S. Senate: Debate on Partial Health Care Repeal

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. McConnell on Failure of Health Care Repeal - UK

  • Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Health Care Law

  • House Democrats on GOP Efforts to Repeal Affordable Care Act

  • VP Pence - Estonia, Montenegro, Georgia/Eastern Europe

  • Campaign 2018: Senate Judiciary on Foreign Agents Registration Act

  • Hearing on Federal Drug Control Policy

  • Newsmakers: Newsmakers - Rep John Yarmuth

  • House Homeland Security Subcmte. Hearing on Border Security Technology

  • Q&A: Mark Bowden

  • Australian Foreign Minister on U.S.- Asia-Pacific Relations

  • Discussion on the Blockade of Qatar

  • President & Lebanon Prime Minister News Conference

  • VP Pence - Estonia, Montenegro, Georgia/Eastern Europe

  • Q&A: Mark Bowden

  • Australian Foreign Minister on U.S.- Asia-Pacific Relations

  • Discussion on the Blockade of Qatar

  • Hearing on U.S.-Qatar Relations

  • New U.S. Ambassador to Japan Is Sworn In

  • VP Pence - Estonia, Montenegro, Georgia/Eastern Europe

  • Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Testifies on FY 2018 Treasury Department Budget

  • Q&A: Mark Bowden