C-SPAN TV Schedule

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November 15, 2023

  • Washington Journal: 11/15/2023

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 11/15/2023

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 11/15/2023

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • Hearing on Antisemitism & College Campuses

  • Campaign 2024: Chris Christie Delivers Foreign Policy Address

  • Pres. Biden Holds Meeting With Chinese President at APEC

  • House Minority Leader Holds News Conference

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • President Biden Holds News Conference at APEC

  • Washington Journal: Rep. Darin LaHood

  • Washington Journal: Rep. Marc Veasey

  • Sec. Mayorkas & FBI Dir. Wray Testify on Global Threats - Part 1

  • Sec. Mayorkas & FBI Dir. Wray Testify on Global Threats - Part 2

  • House Minority Leader Holds News Conference

  • Pres. Biden Holds Meeting With Chinese President at APEC

  • President Biden Holds News Conference at APEC

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • Campaign 2024: Chris Christie Delivers Foreign Policy Address

  • Campaign 2024: Dean Phillips Town Hall at New England College

  • Ukrainian President's Chief of Staff on War with Russia

  • Pres. Biden Holds Meeting With Chinese President at APEC

  • President Biden Holds News Conference at APEC

  • Public Affairs Events