C-SPAN TV Schedule

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November 21, 2023

  • Washington Journal: 11/21/2023

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 11/21/2023

  • Washington Journal: Mark Zandi

  • Public Affairs Events

  • Pres. Biden Holds Meeting on Countering Fentanyl

  • Washington Journal: Kirk Bado

  • Attorney General, Treasury Sec. and Others Hold Press Conference

  • Campaign 2024: Ron & Casey DeSantis Campaign in Indianola, IA

  • Campaign 2024: Chris Christie at House Party in Bedford, NH

  • Attorney General, Treasury Sec. and Others Hold Press Conference

  • Pres. Biden Holds Meeting on Countering Fentanyl

  • First Lady Receives White House Christmas Tree

  • Campaign 2024: Ron & Casey DeSantis Campaign in Indianola, IA

  • Campaign 2024: Nikki Haley Campaigns in Waverly, IA

  • PART 1 - 'Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 1

  • Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 2

  • PART 3 - 'Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 3

  • Attorney General, Treasury Sec. and Others Hold Press Conference

  • First Lady Receives White House Christmas Tree

  • Washington Journal: Mark Zandi

  • Pres. Biden Holds Meeting on Countering Fentanyl

  • Campaign 2024: Ron & Casey DeSantis Campaign in Indianola, IA

  • Campaign 2024: Nikki Haley Campaigns in Waverly, IA

  • PART 1 - 'Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 1

  • Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 2

  • PART 3 - 'Administration Officials & Others Testify on Whistleblower Protections at VA - PART 3

  • Attorney General, Treasury Sec. and Others Hold Press Conference

  • Public Affairs Events