C-SPAN TV Schedule

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June 28, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 06/28/2024

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 06/28/2024

  • House Speaker Johnson Holds News Conference

  • Discussion on Germany's Foreign Policy and Global Outlook

  • Washington Journal: Zach Wamp & Tim Roemer

  • Washington Journal: Neel Sukhatme

  • Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Chesapeake, VA

  • Supreme Court Hears Case Challenging January 6 Obstruction Charge

  • Pres. Biden Delivers Remarks at Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center

  • Campaign 2024: President Biden Campaigns in Raleigh, NC

  • Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Chesapeake, VA

  • Discussion on Germany's Foreign Policy and Global Outlook

  • House Speaker Johnson Holds News Conference

  • Supreme Court Hears Case Challenging January 6 Obstruction Charge

  • Pres. Biden Delivers Remarks at Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center

  • Campaign 2024: President Biden Campaigns in Raleigh, NC

  • Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Chesapeake, VA

  • U.S. Export-Import Bank President Testifies on U.S.-China Economic Competition - Part 1

  • U.S. Export-Import Bank President Testifies on U.S.-China Economic Competition - Part 2

  • Fmr. Council of Economic Advisers Chair & Others Discuss Federal Reserve

  • House Speaker Johnson Holds News Conference

  • Pres. Biden Delivers Remarks at Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center

  • Campaign 2024: President Biden Campaigns in Raleigh, NC

  • Washington Journal: 06/29/2024