C-SPAN TV Schedule

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July 3, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 07/03/2024

  • Public Affairs Events

  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken on U.S. Foreign Policy

  • White House Press Secretary Briefs Reporters

  • Fmr. Deputy Nat'l Security Adviser Discusses Indo-Pacific Strategy

  • Marc Elias Discusses Recent Supreme Court Rulings

  • President Biden Bestows Medal of Honor

  • Rep. Kat Cammack and Others Attend National Right to Life Conference

  • CMS Administrator Discusses Medicare, Medicaid & Health Care

  • Washington Journal: Jeffrey Rosen

  • Governors Meet With Reporters After WH Meeting

  • White House Press Secretary Briefs Reporters

  • Hearing on Racial & Gender Discrimination in Employment, Part 1

  • Hearing on Racial & Gender Discrimination in Employment, Part 2

  • President Biden Bestows Medal of Honor

  • WH Stakeout

  • Marc Elias Discusses Recent Supreme Court Rulings

  • Washington Journal: Andrew Freedman

  • Washington Journal: Jim Burkard

  • Hearing on Racial & Gender Discrimination in Employment, Part 1

  • Hearing on Racial & Gender Discrimination in Employment, Part 2

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren Discusses Tax Policy

  • President Biden Bestows Medal of Honor

  • White House Press Secretary Briefs Reporters

  • WH Stakeout