C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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May 1, 2020

  • Kenneth Walsh, "Presidential Leadership in Crisis"

  • History Bookshelf: Jared Cohen, "Accidental Presidents"

  • Pamela Paul, "How to Raise a Reader"

  • Michael Lind, "The New Class War"

  • Kim Ghattas, "Black Wave"

  • Amity Shlaes, "Great Society"

  • Jack Goldsmith, "In Hoffa's Shadow"

  • Amaryllis Fox, "Life Undercover"

  • Nikki Haley, "With All Due Respect"

  • Neil Gorsuch, "A Republic, If You Can Keep It "

  • David Kilcullen, "The Dragons and the Snakes"

  • After Words: Peggy Orenstein, "Boys & Sex"

  • Ross Douthat, "The Decadent Society"

  • Matthew Algeo, "All This Marvelous Potential"

  • Max Eisen, "By Chance Alone"

  • Cyntoia Brown-Long, "Free Cyntoia"

  • Nikki Haley, "With All Due Respect"

  • Kathryn Sullivan, "Handprints on Hubble"

  • History Bookshelf: Jaquira Diaz, "Ordinary Girls"

  • Max Eisen, "By Chance Alone"

  • Cyntoia Brown-Long, "Free Cyntoia"

  • Nikki Haley, "With All Due Respect"

  • Kathryn Sullivan, "Handprints on Hubble"