C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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June 19, 2020

  • House Intelligence Holds Hearing on COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Discussion on Online Disinformation & COVID-19 - PART 1

  • Rep. Steny Hoyer Interview on DC Statehood Vote

  • Coronavirus Subcommittee Hearing on COVID-19 in Nursing Homes

  • Labor Secretary Scalia Remarks on Coronavirus Recovery

  • New York Gov. Cuomo Remarks on Coronavirus Pandemic

  • H.R. McMaster Discussion on U.S. National Security

  • History of Juneteenth

  • Discussion on National Debt with Sens. Ernst, Johnson & Rubio

  • Washington Journal: David Johns

  • House Hearing on Coronavirus Response & Drug Treatments

  • Tulsa's Historic Greenwood District

  • Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie Bunch on Race in America & Juneteenth

  • History of Juneteenth

  • House Intelligence Holds Hearing on COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Tulsa's Historic Greenwood District

  • Hearing on Racial Disparities in the Military Justice System

  • Rep. Liz Cheney Discussion with the Reagan Presidential Foundation

  • FAA Administrator Stephen Dickson Testifies on Plane Safety

  • Discussion on Online Scams & COVID-19 - PART 2

  • Discussion on National Debt with Republican Congressmen & Former Senators

  • Rep. Liz Cheney Discussion with the Reagan Presidential Foundation

  • FAA Administrator Stephen Dickson Testifies on Plane Safety

  • Discussion on Online Scams & COVID-19 - PART 2

  • Discussion on National Debt with Republican Congressmen & Former Senators