C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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June 27, 2020

  • Hearing on Government Agency Oversight of Federal COVID-19 Response

  • Dr. Vivian Lee, "The Long Fix"

  • Impact of COVID-19 on Public Libraries

  • Matthew Whitaker, "Above the Law"

  • Barbara Ehrenreich, "Had I Known"

  • Anthony Townsend, "Ghost Road"

  • Layla Saad, "Me and White Supremacy"

  • Richard Haass, "The World"

  • Carol Anderson and Rep. Barbara Lee D-CA on Voting Rights

  • Matt Ridley, "How Innovation Works"

  • Samantha Irby, "Wow, No Thank You"

  • Robert Gates, "Exercise of Power"

  • Ralph Reed, "For God and Country"

  • Booknotes: David McCullough, "Truman"

  • David McCullough, "John Adams"

  • Q&A: Q & A with David McCullough "1776"

  • David McCullough, "The Greater Journey"

  • David McCullough, "The American Spirit"

  • David McCullough, "The Pioneers"

  • John Bolton, "The Room Where It Happened"

  • John Bolton's Book & Government Prepublication Reviews

  • Author Discussion on Immigration Enforcement

  • Saikrishna Prakash, "The Living Presidency"

  • Adult Book and Author Dinner

  • Noah Feldman, "The Arab Winter"