C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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August 13, 2020

  • In Depth: Brad Thor

  • Defense & State Dept. Officials Discuss Political Situation in Venezuela

  • Rep. Ami Bera Discusses Global Cooperation During the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • U.S. Senate: 08/13/2020

  • U.S. Senate: Senate Majority Leader McConnell on COVID-19 Relief

  • Democratic Attorneys General Discuss Racial Inequity

  • U.S. Senate: 08/13/2020

  • Democratic Attorneys General Discuss Racial Inequity

  • Fmr. Acting Attorney General Sally Yates Testifies on Russia Investigation, Part 1

  • Discussion on Anti-Asian American Sentiment During COVID-19

  • After Words: Zerlina Maxwell, "The End of White Politics"

  • Harlan Hill and Ryan Girdusky, "They're Not Listening"

  • Symone Sanders, "No, You Shut Up"

  • Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke, "Grandstanding"

  • In Depth: Yuval Levin

  • After Words: Zerlina Maxwell, "The End of White Politics"

  • Harlan Hill and Ryan Girdusky, "They're Not Listening"

  • Symone Sanders, "No, You Shut Up"

  • Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke, "Grandstanding"

  • In Depth: Yuval Levin