C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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August 16, 2020

  • Jack Fairweather, "The Volunteer"

  • Heather Lende, "Of Bears and Ballots"

  • The Bubble That Never Pops"

  • John Bolton's Book & Government Prepublication Reviews

  • Sen. Kamala Harris, "The Truths We Hold"

  • Authors on China

  • After Words: Zerlina Maxwell, "The End of White Politics"

  • Gov. Larry Hogan R-MD, "Still Standing"

  • Source Booksellers on the Continued Impact of COVID-19

  • Bryan Walsh, "End Times"

  • Lawrence Rosenthal, "Empire of Resentment"

  • Harlan Hill and Ryan Girdusky, "They're Not Listening"

  • Books About Joe Biden and the 2020 Presidential Election

  • In Depth: Joanne Freeman

  • Melissa Korn & Jennifer Levitz, "'Unacceptable"

  • After Words: After Words, John Yoo, "Defender in Chief"

  • Anne Applebaum, "Twilight of Democracy"

  • Larry Tye, "Demagogue"

  • After Words: After Words, John Yoo, "Defender in Chief"

  • Author Discussion on the Black Lives Matter Movement

  • Melville House Interview with Jenn Risko, John Mutter, and Bob Gray of Shelf Awareness

  • After Words: After Words, John Yoo, "Defender in Chief"

  • Don Siegelman, "Stealing Our Democracy"

  • Books & Books Bookstore on the Continued Impact of COVID-19

  • Catharine Arnold, "Pandemic 1918"

  • Erica Barnett, "Quitter"