C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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August 22, 2020

  • Public Affairs Events

  • Books About President Trump and the 2020 Presidential Election

  • Gov. Larry Hogan R-MD, "Still Standing"

  • Author Discussion on the Black Lives Matter Movement

  • Melissa Korn & Jennifer Levitz, "'Unacceptable"

  • Eric Foner, "The Second Founding"

  • Books About President Trump and the 2020 Presidential Election

  • After Words: Charlotte Pence, "Where You Go"

  • Julian Zelizer, "Burning Down the House"

  • Khalil Gibran Muhammad, "The Condemnation of Blackness"

  • Tiffany Shlain, "24/6"

  • Christopher Haugh & Jordan Blashek, "Union"

  • Suzanne Nossel, "Dare to Speak"

  • Mike Gonzalez, The Plot to Change America"

  • Robert Caro at the LBJ Library

  • Robert Caro, "The Power Broker"

  • Robert Caro on Writing Biographies

  • Q&A: Robert Caro, "On Power"

  • Robert Caro, "Working"

  • Lisa Napoli, "Up All Night"

  • Miles Harvey, "King of Confidence"

  • Nina Jankowicz, "How to Lose the Information War"

  • John Larson, "Laid Waste!"

  • Source Booksellers on the Continued Impact of COVID-19

  • Author Discussion on Mary Washington