C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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August 30, 2020

  • Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke, "Grandstanding"

  • Melissa Korn & Jennifer Levitz, "'Unacceptable"

  • Bernard-Henri Levy, "The Virus in the Age of Madness"

  • Christopher Haugh & Jordan Blashek, "Union"

  • Sen. Martha McSally R-AZ, "Dare to Fly"

  • Khalil Gibran Muhammad, "The Condemnation of Blackness"

  • After Words: Debora MacKenzie, "COVID-19"

  • Nina Jankowicz, "How to Lose the Information War"

  • Michael Auslin, "Asia's New Geopolitics"

  • Deborah Wiles, "Kent State"

  • Mark Blyth, "Angrynomics"

  • Morgan Jerkins, "Wandering in Strange Lands"

  • In Depth: John Updike

  • After Words: Edward Ball, "Life of a Klansman"

  • Susan Eisenhower, "How Ike Led"

  • Judy Gold, "Yes, I Can Say This"

  • After Words: Edward Ball, "Life of a Klansman"

  • Adam Rutherford, "How to Argue With a Racist"

  • Gov. Larry Hogan R-MD, "Still Standing"

  • After Words: Edward Ball, "Life of a Klansman"

  • Lisa Selin Davis, "Tomboy"

  • George Zaidan, "Ingredients"

  • Steve Olson, "The Apocalypse Factory"

  • Book TV