C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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September 12, 2020

  • House Hearing on Creating a National Cyber Director

  • Paul Begala,"You're Fired"

  • In Depth: Ralph Reed

  • Victoria Law and Maya Schenwar, "Prison By Any Other Name"

  • Washington Journal: Rob Smith, "Always a Soldier"

  • Nicholson Baker, "Baseless"

  • Susan Eisenhower, "How Ike Led"

  • David Shimer, "Rigged"

  • Bernard-Henri Levy, "The Virus in the Age of Madness"

  • Tiffany Cross, "Say It Louder"

  • Washington Journal: Armstrong Williams, "What Black and White America Must Do Now"

  • Eric Alterman, "Lying in State"

  • Carter Page, "Abuse and Power"

  • Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan, "Trump on Trial"

  • After Words: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, "Speaking for Myself"

  • Brian Stelter, "Hoax"

  • Rick Tyler, "Still Right"

  • Richard Kreitner, "Break It Up"' and Rick Perlstein, "Reaganland"

  • Deborah Wiles, "Kent State"

  • Chris Wallace, "Countdown 1945"

  • Khalil Gibran Muhammad, "The Condemnation of Blackness"

  • William Perry and Tom Collina, "The Button"

  • Judy Gold, "Yes, I Can Say This"

  • Jeffrey Toobin, "True Crimes and Misdemeanors"