C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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October 3, 2020

  • Campaign 2020: Vermont Governor's Debate

  • U.S. House of Representatives: Majority Leader Hoyer Gives Schedule Update

  • James Copland, "The Unelected"

  • Michael Schmidt, "Donald Trump vs. The United States"

  • Lisa Selin Davis, "Tomboy"

  • National Book Festival - Author Discussion on the Lives of James Baker and Richard Holbrooke

  • What Are You Reading with Rep. Gerald Connolly D-VA

  • Robert Zoellick, "America in the World"

  • Call-in with Diamond and Silk, "Uprising"

  • Katherine Gehl and Michael Porter, "The Politics Industry"

  • W. Joseph Campbell, "Lost in a Gallup"

  • Jennet Conant, "The Great Secret"

  • Stephen Farnsworth, "Late Night with Trump"

  • William Howell & Terry Moe, "Presidents, Populism, & the Crisis of Democracy"

  • Maya Rockeymoore Cummings on the late Rep. Elijah Cummings D-MD "We're Better Than This"

  • P.J. O'Rourke, "A Cry from the Far Middle"

  • Jane Fonda, "What Can I Do?"

  • After Words: Lou Dobbs, "The Trump Century"

  • Erin Brockovich, "Superman's Not Coming"

  • Michael Anton, "The Stakes - America at the Point of No Return"

  • Mychal Denzel Smith, "Stakes is High"

  • National Book Festival - Author Discussion on Ray Bradbury

  • Former Rep. Katie Hill D-CA, "She Will Rise"

  • Rick Tyler, "Still Right"

  • National Book Festival - Haben Girma, "Haben"

  • Frederik Logevall, "JFK"

  • What Are You Reading with Rep. Gerald Connolly D-VA