C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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October 24, 2020

  • Discussion on Elections & Online Voting

  • David Nasaw, "The Last Million"

  • Juliet Schor,"After the Gig"

  • Eddie Cole, "The Campus Color Line"

  • Lynne Cheney, "The Virginia Dynasty"

  • U.S. Senate: 10/24/2020

  • U.S. Senate: Barrett Supreme Court Justice Confirmation

  • U.S. Senate: Barrett Supreme Court Justice Confirmation

  • U.S. Senate: Barrett Supreme Court Justice Confirmation

  • After Words: Rev. Al Sharpton, "Rise Up"

  • Sean Spicer, "Leading America"

  • Pete Buttigieg, "Trust"

  • What Are You Reading with Rep. Tom Cole R-OK

  • Michael Anton, "The Stakes - America at the Point of No Return"

  • Arundhati Roy, "Azadi"

  • Terry Virts, "How to Astronaut"

  • National Book Festival - Heather Cox Richardson, "How the South Won the Civil War"

  • Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, "Morality"

  • Jennifer Taub, "Big Dirty Money"