C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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November 30, 2020

  • David Michaelis, "Eleanor"

  • The Communicators: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention"

  • Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Discusses National Security Issues

  • Atlantic Council Discussion on Russia

  • Middle East Institute Discussion on Combating ISIS in Iraq & Syria

  • Brookings Institution Discussion on Biden Administration & Foreign Policy

  • Campaign 2020: Discussion on Role of Latino Electorate in 2020 Election

  • German Marshall Fund Discussion on the Transatlantic Alliance

  • U.S. Senate: 11/30/2020

  • Washington Journal: Lee Drutman

  • White House Christmas Decorations

  • U.S. Senate: Sentors Leahy and Cornyn on Presidential Transition

  • White House Christmas Decorations

  • The Communicators: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention"

  • Trump v. New York Oral Argument

  • Campaign 2020: Discussion on Role of Latino Electorate in 2020 Election

  • Atlantic Council Discussion on Afghanistan & Middle East Peace Policy

  • KEYED Senate Hearing on Pandemic & Federal Teleworking

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Majority Leader McConnell Floor Remarks

  • Trump v. New York Oral Argument

  • Senate Hearing on Ocean Plastic Pollution

  • Atlantic Council Discussion on Afghanistan & Middle East Peace Policy

  • KEYED Senate Hearing on Pandemic & Federal Teleworking