C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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December 17, 2020

  • Discussion on Building Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccine

  • Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Holds News Conference

  • Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham Talks to Reporters

  • Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Discussion on U.S. Foreign Policy

  • The Atlantic Council Hosts Discussion on U.S.-China Relations

  • U.S. Senate: 12/17/2020

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. McConnell on COVID-19 & Federal Spending Bills

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Chuck Schumer on COVID-19 & Federal Spending Bills

  • U.S. Senate: Senators on Federal Spending Deadline and COVID-19 Relief

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Portman on COVID relief

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Murkowski on Coronavirus Aid

  • Campaign 2020: Vice President Pence Campaigns for GA U.S. Senate Candidates

  • Politico Discussion with Xavier Beccera on COVID-19 and the Latino Community

  • House Hearing on Purdue Pharma & the Opioid Epidemic

  • Russian President Putin Holds Year-End News Conference

  • House Hearing on Purdue Pharma & the Opioid Epidemic

  • Politico Discussion with Xavier Beccera on COVID-19 and the Latino Community