C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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December 19, 2020

  • Senate Hearing on Alzheimer's Disease

  • Alice Baumgartner, "South to Freedom"

  • Silicon Valley & the Future of Technology

  • Neal Gabler, "Catching the Wind"

  • U.S. Senate: 12/19/2020

  • Kevin Kosar, Lee Drutman, & Timothy LaPira, "Congress Overwhelmed"

  • Lisa Mosconi, "The XX Brain"

  • Tamara Payne, "The Dead Are Arising"

  • After Words: Ruth Ben-Ghiat, "Strongmen"

  • Kevin Kosar, Lee Drutman, & Timothy LaPira, "Congress Overwhelmed"

  • Author Discussion on the 28th Amendment

  • Unni Turrettini, "Betraying the Nobel"

  • Author Discussion on the Jim Crow Era

  • Nancy Grace, "Don't Be a Victim"

  • Gustavus Stadler, "Woody Guthrie"

  • Lisa Mosconi, "The XX Brain"

  • Nicholas Sargen, "JPMorgan's Fall and Revival"