C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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November 20, 2023

  • Dan Senor, "The Genius of Israel"

  • Sen. Rand Paul R-KY, "Deception"

  • Karen Pence, "When It's Your Turn to Serve"

  • Amber Athey, "The Snowflakes' Revolt"

  • Judges Hear Case on Reinstating Gag Order Against Fmr. Pres. Trump

  • Miles Taylor, "Blowback - A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump"

  • Julia Lee, "Biting the Hand - Growing Up Asian in Black and White America"

  • Norman Horn, "Faith Seeking Freedom"

  • After Words: Adam Nagourney, "The Times"

  • Dr. Anupam Jena & Dr. Christopher Worsham, "Random Acts of Medicine"

  • Karen Pence, "When It's Your Turn to Serve"

  • Amber Athey, "The Snowflakes' Revolt"

  • Miles Taylor, "Blowback - A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump"

  • Julia Lee, "Biting the Hand - Growing Up Asian in Black and White America"

  • Norman Horn, "Faith Seeking Freedom"

  • After Words: Adam Nagourney, "The Times"

  • Dr. Anupam Jena & Dr. Christopher Worsham, "Random Acts of Medicine"

  • Karen Pence, "When It's Your Turn to Serve"

  • Amber Athey, "The Snowflakes' Revolt"

  • Miles Taylor, "Blowback - A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump"

  • Julia Lee, "Biting the Hand - Growing Up Asian in Black and White America"

  • After Words: Adam Nagourney, "The Times"

  • Dr. Anupam Jena & Dr. Christopher Worsham, "Random Acts of Medicine"

  • Karen Pence, "When It's Your Turn to Serve"

  • Amber Athey, "The Snowflakes' Revolt"

  • Julia Lee, "Biting the Hand - Growing Up Asian in Black and White America"