C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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December 14, 2023

  • Transportation Dept. Officials Testify on Infrastructure Law

  • Executive Branch Officials Testify on Improving the WHO

  • U.S. Senate: 12/14/2023

  • Federal Reserve Chair Holds Press Conference

  • Arab-Islamic Foreign Ministerial Delegation Discusses Impact of Israel-Hamas War

  • Hearing on Obesity & Diabetes Epidemic

  • Hearing on Substance Abuse by Senior Citizens

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Bennet Places Hold on FAA Extension Bill

  • Washington Journal: Rep. Rich McCormick

  • Campaign 2024: Cornel West in Omaha, NE

  • Hearing on Obesity & Diabetes Epidemic

  • Hearing on Substance Abuse by Senior Citizens

  • Campaign 2024: Chris Christie Speaks at Londonderry Town Hall