C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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February 16, 2024

  • Campaign 2024: News Anchors Discuss Campaign 2024 Coverage

  • Agriculture Secretary Testifies on Agency Oversight

  • Campaign 2024: Political Analyst Charlie Cook at Economic Policy Conference

  • Campaign 2024: Federal Reserve Vice Chair at Economic Policy Conference

  • Hearing on Assisted Living Facilities

  • U.S. Senate: 02/16/2024

  • Hearing on Assisted Living Facilities

  • Elected Officials, Diplomats & Business Leaders Speak at International Trade Conference - Part 4

  • Alabama Gov. Delivers State of the State Address

  • North Dakota Gov. Delivers State of the State Address

  • Fmr. Ambassador Testifies on U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan

  • Space Development Agency & Former Administration Officials Discuss Strategic Nuclear Deterrence

  • FAA Administrator Testifies on Aviation Safety & Policy

  • Hearing on Use of AI in Criminal Investigations

  • Former Polish President Lech Walesa Discusses His Fight Against Communism

  • Hearing on China's Cyber Threat to U.S.