C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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March 7, 2024

  • Discussion With Winner & Finalists of Women Building Peace Award

  • Sen. Klobuchar & Rep. Matsui at Communications Tech Summit

  • Sen. Ben Ray Lujan Discusses Broadband Deployment, Access and Funding

  • Sen. Marsha Blackburn Discusses Broadband Deployment

  • U.S. Senate: 03/07/2024

  • Panel Discusses Changes to Federal Pole Attachment Rules

  • Panel Discusses Robocalls at Communications Tech Summit

  • Sen. Klobuchar & Rep. Matsui at Communications Tech Summit

  • President Biden Delivers 2024 State of the Union Address

  • Lawmakers React to State of the Union Address

  • Secretary of State and the Swedish Prime Minister on NATO Membership

  • Federal Reserve Chair Testifies on Monetary Policy & the Economy

  • Women's Rights Advocates at Institute of Global Politics Women's Initiative Summit

  • Sen. Klobuchar & Rep. Matsui at Communications Tech Summit

  • Secretary of State and the Swedish Prime Minister on NATO Membership

  • Hearing on Plastic Waste & Consumer Packaging

  • Federal Reserve Chair Testifies on Monetary Policy & the Economy