C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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September 22, 2024

  • Louis Sarkozy, "Napoleon's Library"

  • Washington Journal: Author Ann Coulter on Campaign 2024

  • FreedomFest 2024 - Rainer Zitelmann, "How Nations Escape Poverty"

  • After Words: Brooke Harrington, "Offshore - Stealth Wealth and the New Colonialism"

  • Louis Sarkozy, "Napoleon's Library"

  • Washington Journal: Author Ann Coulter on Campaign 2024

  • FreedomFest 2024 - Rainer Zitelmann, "How Nations Escape Poverty"

  • After Words: Brooke Harrington, "Offshore - Stealth Wealth and the New Colonialism"

  • Ferris Jabr, "Becoming Earth - How Our Planet Came to Life"

  • Neil King, "American Ramble"

  • Shannon Vallor, "The AI Mirror - How to Reclaim Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking"

  • Jesselyn Cook, "The Quiet Damage - QAnon & the Destruction of the American Family"

  • Alexander Justice Moore, "The Food Fighters"

  • Washington Journal: Nicholas Jacobs, "The Rural Voter - The Politics of Place & the Disuniting of America"

  • Louis Sarkozy, "Napoleon's Library"

  • Washington Journal: Author Ann Coulter on Campaign 2024

  • FreedomFest 2024 - Rainer Zitelmann, "How Nations Escape Poverty"

  • After Words: Brooke Harrington, "Offshore - Stealth Wealth and the New Colonialism"

  • Louis Sarkozy, "Napoleon's Library"

  • Washington Journal: Author Ann Coulter on Campaign 2024

  • FreedomFest 2024 - Rainer Zitelmann, "How Nations Escape Poverty"

  • After Words: Brooke Harrington, "Offshore - Stealth Wealth and the New Colonialism"

  • Ferris Jabr, "Becoming Earth - How Our Planet Came to Life"

  • Neil King, "American Ramble"

  • Shannon Vallor, "The AI Mirror - How to Reclaim Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking"

  • Jesselyn Cook, "The Quiet Damage - QAnon & the Destruction of the American Family"

  • Alexander Justice Moore, "The Food Fighters"

  • Washington Journal: Nicholas Jacobs, "The Rural Voter - The Politics of Place & the Disuniting of America"