C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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July 28, 2017

  • Hearing on Federal Drug Control Policy

  • Confirmation Hearing for Treasury and Federal Reserve Governor Nominations

  • President Meets with First Responders of Congressional Baseball Field Shooting

  • Former White House Ethics Director Walter Shaub

  • Hearing on Redistribution of Excess Military Equipment

  • Iranian Public Opinion

  • U.N. Security Council Debate on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • Discussion on U.S. - Japan Military Relations

  • Hearing on Every Student Succeeds Act Implementation

  • Sen. Tom Cotton R-AR on Russian Military Strategy in Europe

  • Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Testifies on FY 2018 Treasury Department Budget

  • Rep. Karen Handel New Member Interview

  • Nat'l Press Club Lunch with Army Chief of Staff

  • NAACP Convention Discussion on Criminal Justice

  • Campaign 2018: Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Registering Foreign Agents

  • Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Testifies on FY 2018 Treasury Department Budget

  • Rep. Karen Handel New Member Interview

  • Nat'l Press Club Lunch with Army Chief of Staff

  • NAACP Convention Discussion on Criminal Justice

  • Campaign 2018: Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Registering Foreign Agents